We’re here!

Hi there! Glad you’ve found us!

BOOST GK (BOOST合同会社) has officially been founded today, March 6th 2020. Yay for us!

Located in the center of Shibuya, Tokyo, BOOST is right here for your needs.
As our corporate philosophy states, we’re “Empowering the world to make people’s lives just a bit more comfortable”.
This can be a professional or personal need—are you thinking of expanding? Do you need to figure out a way to gain more capital, sales, or workforce? Need assistance in market research to consider selling a new product? Are you dreaming to adventure into a new area of the world and introduce your brand internationally? Thinking about taking that big career jump? Want to regain your self-confidence by slimming back down to fit those jeans from high school?

Then you’re at the right place!
Congrats for achieving your first step :)

You might think, I’m perfectly happy with what I have in life; good for you!
That’s perfectly fine, but once you take a step back and analyze yourself from another point-of-view, you may very well realize that you are allowed to tighten a few screws, polish a few skills, and make that last stretch you’ve always been yearning for. Some of these desires can be completely dormant, difficult to see from a subjective view. That’s why we’re here to help!

A quick 30 minute online hearing is all it takes to figure out the simple to do’s.
Feel free to book some time with us to see if we can really boost your potential!


Hello world. We're almost ready.